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Writer's pictureDali Suarez

What the Hell, What the Health?

Have any of you seen the documentary "What the Health"? I saw it close to a month ago on Netflix and have managed to restrain from eating meat since. If I were to "put a label on it," I would say I've been a healthy mix of vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian for close to 4 weeks now.

It is not my first rodeo on plant-based "diet" documentaries. I've watched a few over the years and each time I swear meat off but I always end up eating meat again. I'm not saying that will not happen this time around, but I think it's been a little easier to finally make the decision because I have been feeling very hypocritical about eating meat lately. I profess to be an animal lover, but here I am contributing to the meat-producing industry. An industry known for mistreating, abusing, and downright torturing millions of animals. I can't say I have been backing the dairy industry as well because I cut dairy years ago from my "diet". As I've said before, it was an easier (not easy at all, just presuming easier compared to other people) choice for me because I am allergic to dairy - as well as a few dozen other things, as I've recently discovered…but that's a topic for another day.

Anyways, back to "What the Health" - I really enjoyed the documentary even though it is pretty clear that they are using somewhat of a scare tactic to captivate and sway the audience. And you know what? I don't blame them! The meat and dairy industries are scary. The rate by which we consume both nowadays is scary! The health issues associated with the high consumption of these are scary! The impact to the planet is scary! The amount of ignorance surrounding food sourcing and production is scary!

Yes, comparing eating eggs to smoking cigarettes seems a little far fetched. And yes, claiming the consumption of sugar isn't an issue is irresponsible. At least that's my personal opinion on both counts. The thing is, nowadays you can quote studies, research, and statistics to back almost any claim you want to make. So for me it all goes back to - do what you feel is best for your body. I don't know how you can argue that eating more vegetables and cutting back on processed food isn't healthy, but I bet there are a few studies you can bend in your favor that say it isn't so!

I have changed my nutritional habits more than a few times over the last decade and I'll probably continue to improve and tweak it until I find something that works for me. Right now I will continue to try and eat a mostly vegan "diet". I may eat fish and eggs a couple of times a week, maybe even meat when I feel like it. And yes, pasture-raised, grass-fed, no antibiotics, no growth hormones, high-quality meat. But that's not the issue. My issue with eating eggs, fish, and meat is not in it's impact (or lack there off) on my health. I don't see how eating those once a week for example, could have horrific consequences on my health. My issue is that purely based on supply and demand, I don't see a sustainable way for us to continue consuming it without having horrific consequences on animals and the planet. Why I choose to care? I have NO idea! I don't have kids so I would think it should be easier for me to take a completely different stance. I should be able to say - FUCK IT - I am dying and not leaving anyone behind anyways, why should I care? My "legacy" ends with me…so seriously, who cares? Well, I do. Call me naïve, call me crazy, call me weird, call me whatever the hell you want. I can't help the way I feel.

I am also not going to sit here and judge you for your actions. My intention is to create awareness. So don't watch "What the Health" and take it as is. In fact, if you do, there's an excellent article Bulletproof came out with making very valid points against some of the science behind the documentary. Read it! It's called - The Science Behind the Top 10 Claims from What the Health. Again, when you read the article, don't take it for its face value. Remember who the source is. How does Bulletproof make money? Do your research. Don't be afraid to do some test and learn with your food. Listen to your body. Do all of this and then come to your own conclusions. Also, people, try and do it humbly. Take it from me, there were times where I was eating 126 grams a day of animal protein, other times where I was taking whey after my workout and casein before bed, other times where I was completely vegan and eating 80% raw. Just you know, never say never. Be open-minded. Stay curious. And do what's best for you!

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