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Writer's pictureDali Suarez

Mala making - A Journey Through the Chakras:

I was inspired by our #KarunaSelfLoveChallenge to write about my mala making process and how it can be viewed through the lens of the Chakras, traveling down the manifestation current.

The Crown Chakra:

Connection: A beautiful soul contacts me about making them a mala, and we talk about what is currently going on in their lives.

Wisdom: I research which stones and crystals I can use to help support their specific needs.

The Third Eye Chakra:

Intuition & Imagination: After picking which stones I want to use, I start visualizing the design in my head. What color chord to use, how many knots I want to tie, how the colors will flow together, if I want a guru bead or a charm, the color of the tassel...

The Throat Chakra:

Communication & Creativity: At this point, I check in with my clients to and tell them about my vision, the direction I am headed in. They usually just trust me and let me move forward with what I am feeling. I also love talking with my husband about the design, he has a ton of great ideas, and he is fantastic at helping me put everything together.

The Heart Chakra:

Love: Once I actually start designing the mala, organizing the beads, their pattern, I am thinking about the person I am making it for and feel such love in my heart. You can purchase a mala anywhere, and I KNOW that. The fact that people trust me to do it, that more often than not, I am making their very first mala for them, it is humbling and beautiful, and I feel nothing but love.

The Solar Plexus Chakra:

Power & Deliberateness: It is at this point that sometimes I become overwhelmed with doubts, are they going to love it? Do I have enough time to finish it? Will I like it once I am finished? I get in my head. My ego takes hold of me. It is then when my solar plexus kicks in and helps me act, helps me DO. So I just start, one bead, one knot at a time.

The Sacral Chakra:

Flow: Once I just get over myself and just START, I get in my flow. I let go of my ego and connect with the intention, with the feeling this mala will evoke, and before I know it - it's done, and it is perfect!

The Root Chakra:

Grounding: This step might not happen as soon as the mala is finished. To be honest, it usually doesn't. Sometimes it's later that same day, most times it is a day or two after. I always make sure I am solid, grounded. Once I am rooted, and my energy feels strong, I start my ritual. I begin by telling my hubby I need to be undisturbed for a while. I play whatever music I feel called to play quietly in the background. I sage the room first, and then I proceed to cleanse the mala with the sage, asking that it releases anything that doesn't serve the person wearing it. I purify it with prayer and beautiful intentions. Once I feel it has been cleared, I hold it in my hands and perform Reiki on it for as long as I feel I need to. After I have performed Reiki on the mala, it is ready to be packaged and hand-delivered/shipped.

Mala-making is just one of many ways we manifest things in our lives - from ideation, traveling down to a physical/tangible/beautiful work of art.

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