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 A Deeper Dive into

Essential Oils


New to Essential Oils?

Ok. So you are sold on the idea of incorporating EOs in your personal life but don't know how?


Scroll down for information on how to use EOs, carrier oil recommendations, how & where to apply, and so much more!

 Ways to Use Essential Oils



Using essential oils topically is one of the easiest ways to start incorporating oils into your everyday life.


Young Living Essential oils are highly concentrated so diluting them with a carrier oil before applying it on your skin is always the best way to go.


Your EO bottles will also last longer by diluting them before application. 


These are just some* examples! 

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This method is another great starting point. 


When you are on the go, you can place a few drops of the essential oil directly into your hands and breathe them in. 


This is also a great way to practice mindfulness. Stopping to take a few deep breaths during our busy day is an easy way to incorporate self-care into our daily lives. 


Another great tool for Aromatherapy is to diffuse.

Just add your favorite oils to your diffuser (4-10 drops) and leave it running throughout the day. Doing this will benefit your home and household.

Soaps and Oils

Carrier Oils

Some of my favorite carrier oils are:


1. Sunflower Oil: emollient, high in VItamin E, hydrating, nourishing, and anti-inflammatory. Sunflower oil is my go-to for my essential oil rollers!


2. Jojoba Oil: gentle, soothing, anti-microbial, hydrating, sebum-balancing, and non-comedogenic.


3.  Rosehip Seed Oil: deeply moisturizing, excellent for dry skin (not recommended for acne-prone skin).


4. Fractionated Coconut Oil: great for the body & hair, anti-fungal, antibacterial, & hydrating.



Ideas for 

Roller Blends

You can purchase a variety of custom blends on our EO Store or experiment with some of these blend ideas:



3 Drops of Peppermint + 4 Drops of Citrus Fresh



4 Drops of Lavender + 4 Drops of Stress Away



4 Drops of Thieves + 4 Drops of Lemon



4 Drops of Lavender + 4 Drops of Frankincense



4 Drops of Frankincense + 3 Drops of Valor





Here are a few blends to try diffusing at home!



3 Drops of Valor +

2 Drops of Stress Away


fresh air

3 Drops of Purification + 2 Drops of Peppermint


sweet dreams

4 Drops of Lavender +

4 Drops of Stress Away


dali's fave

3 Drops of Valor +

2 Drops of Envision



3 Drops of Frankincense +

2 Drops of Lavender

Holistic Support



When we think "body" we think nutrition and movement, which, don't get me wrong, are essential pillars to our health. 


We watch what we eat, try to buy organic as much as possible, but are you as conscious of what you are putting on your body? 


Our skin is our largest organ and yet, most of us have plastered on chemicals for decades. Trusting that, if it's legal to sell in department stores and online, we should trust that it's ok.


Unfortunately, this is not the case. Makeup, skin and body care products, hair products, perfumes, lotions, toothpaste - they can be some of the most toxic, chemical/hormone/metal ridden products in our home.


The same thing goes for the cleaning and laundry products we use at home to "protect" our families from germs and microbes. 


Manufacturers make it especially hard for us to understand the ingredients listed on the label, even the word "organic" or "natural fragrances" can hide so much behind them. 


If you have never done your research on this subject, I recommend starting today.


There are apps such as Think Dirty that help you find the safest beauty products. 


There are websites such as Pragma Bloom, where knowledgeable women curate products to ensure they are clean and also cruelty-free.


The good news is that you can use essential oils to blend together custom skin/hair products, as well as cleaning products!


If that seems a bit overwhelming for you, Young Living has it's own line of plant-based cleaning products you can purchase for your home.


Taking care of our bodies means understanding what we put in, on, and around them!


Another example of a truly holistic approach to wellness.



I strongly believe that our body, mind, and soul are connected. When you address one, you are inevitably addressing the other.


If you search for - essential oils for mental health - you will see numerous articles, some medical, some more holistic, touch deeply on this subject.


There is a ton of research that shows how using essential oils, in combination with therapy, meditation, movement, and other healing modalities, can help support you while suffering from depression, anxiety, insomnia, and other dis-eases.


You can use essential oils for grounding, relaxing, calming, & invigorating the mind - to name a few.



When it comes to mental health, one of the ways I use essential oils the most is for grounding. Whenever anxiety is kicking in, or if I know I am going to be walking into a stressful situation, I use certain blends that help ground and center me.


My Root Chakra blend, & Stress Away are two of my favorite EO blends to accomplish just that.


Diffusing lavender and/or Frankincense during bedtime has been proven to improve deeper sleep. The benefits to better/deeper sleep are too vast and long to address here.


You can use essential oils during meditation or prayer. I've heard countless people talk about how using Frankincense, Sandalwood, and other EOs help them achieve a meditative or connected state with a lot more ease.


My clients feel like my Chakra Balancing Oils help them obtain just that - a sense of balance, which helps them overcome everything from overwhelm and anxiety, to inertia.



One other way I use essential oils to connect, release, and even ground is to mix them with Epsom salt before applying the salt to my soaking bath. My favorite EO to use in my bath is Lavender.



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